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AVB for Orang Asli

Thu 24 Nov 2016 || 00:18:AM


Now, a more recent story is when the Alkitab Versi Borneo (AVB) was published.

My wife and I decided to buy copies of the AVB to give away to the Orang Asli children. Jesus said, “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Matthew 6:21). I desired in my heart to go to the centre to see for myself the children of the Orang Asli Christian community.

They are the future generation of believers and investing in their lives was something that we thought was noble to do.

However, making a trip all the way to the town in Pahang over the weekend was something that my wife and I had a lot of differences. Even with suggestions like visiting the waterfalls were immediately shot down.

For several months, I had a tough time fixing the date of the trip. Most other people that I contacted were not keen to travel that far to minister to the children. It was laid to rest.

Unknowingly, my cousin Judy offered our children a weekend’s retreat at a farm resort, so that she could spend her time as well with her godson and goddaughter. She had been to the place and found the place very interesting.

After looking at the website, my wife decided to accept the offer for the sake of the children. Quietly, I smiled to myself, and suggested to Judy that we should also make a visit to the Orang Asli children’s centre.

Everything worked out perfectly. After we checked out of the resort, we visited the Orang Asli children’s hostel where I had the opportunity to share with them the story of Abraham who was told to sacrifice his son Isaac using the AVB.

 Stephen Ng

Aku akan merenung ajaran-ajaran-Mu dan memikirkan cara-cara-Mu.
Aku akan menikmati ketetapan-Mu, aku tidak akan melupakan firman-Mu. Mazmur 119:15-16 (AVB)